Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sensei Daily prayers....

just back from iic kenshu prep.. had recee as well as dialogues.. but one of the special gift we receive was knowing wat sensei daily prayer.. to many of those who may nt be aware whu this sensei i m talking about,, he is none other then our Soka Gakkai International third president. alos known as our mentor in life.. it jus kinda bring mi closer to sensei as i read thru all his prayer.. below is his daily prayer that i shall shared wif all my supportive readers..

1) Today shall devote my life to Kosen-Rufu
2) No Matter Whatever happens, always be calm and strong and strong to face it.
3) People whome I see must be healthy, happy and thru dialogue gives hope to others
4) People whome i meet must portray the strength of ourselves
5) Always be opptimistic and democratic.
6) Try my best to act, showing the best actual proof.
7) Ability to treat the success of others as our own and be happy
8) Not to begrudge of previous mistakes but advance to the future.
9) No time to reciproate others, wholeheartedly advance forward.
10) Not to fear but be strong and not showing temper to anything matters but be patient.
11) Treat obstacles as an oppournity,showing great actual proof, increase our conviction each

the above prayer are all in chinese.. straightforward and strict.. and of cos he is also praying ahrd for the happiness of all the members as well as the BOE of the world.. can't happy but feel the closness of sensei.. once again.. yes..!! youth shall nv scuumb to defeat.. the more we suffer and polish ourselves now, the more we will gain in future.. Gambatte!!

"Kosen-rufu is a struggle against devilish forces.It's a struggle tat cannot be won with half hearted determination" -sensei

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