Friday, December 29, 2006
AttAchment In Tanah Merah Prison..
ohya.. got my hair cut at kimage.. cheap cheap!! cos got 20 dollars discount voucher.. haha.. only pay 10 plus ++.. kinda love my new hair style.. oppz..yi fen qian, yi fen hou..
let see.. next week will be postown to queenstown remand.. shoten zenji is definitely watching over me for queenstown is realli much nearer form my house though i would not mind the diff for all of them are different in their unique ways.. eager to learn even more from there.. yeah.. jus like wat jin haw always sae.. alwyas be a spoonge wherever u tru...
this week gonna be a great week for it new yr!! got the privilege to enjoy jus like public setor.. meeting up with friends and nt forgetting the iic retreat on sat after my half dae of wor.k yeah think mabel must have been chanting hard for mi to make it.. haha ur prayer are answere!! i definitely be there after my shift end 12.30 yea.. haha
the next working dae will be on wed.. by den gotta report to queenstown le.. yeah.. work all the way till fri i guess den week end off, meeting my pfssg kaki.. haha my dear ex collegues..for gay's bdae den off i be booking in on 8jan for a 1 week orientation course.. at Hometeam.. how cool to get to know at the least sum of my squad mates whome we gonna spend tears and sweat.. yep.. wil be from 8jan till 16jan.. den back to my attachment again...
everyday is jus a new surprise, a new begining!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
mErRy XmAs!!
this week marks the start of my new career?? haha yep only if i completed my two month attachment in changi women prison as a trainnee and preocee to a 5 months residental training.. passing the ippt in silver.. only den i cpuld be a full flagged officer.. haha how exciting... (think needs lots of daimoku to pass thru all this.. for this.. faith shall be strengthed.. hehe.. also kept thinking and worrying abt brgruding activites due to working timing as sum dae i may required to work on weekend though is attachment but nonthless hope i could do wat ever i can during my spare time.. haha.. yep this shall be my resoultion for the yr.. BE strong! Advance Joyously! Unite NRPSD! Showing actual proof in my work!...
Kinda touched when mani mani sms was received before the eve of christmas as well on xmas dae itself.. haha shows that at one corner, i m still remembered by mani of my peeps? haha..perhaps it may be jus a mass msg.. but feel really warmed to receive greetoing from all over singapore yeah.. haha am i too gan xing? wat ever it is.. shall tell ya whu are the lovely pals.. whose msg fly over the horizon to reach mi.. hehe..
they are:
Gim Kiat: MerrY Christmas to U!
Sally aka my chapter chief: This Xmas Tree jus for u, It brings with it hope, joy ,love and peace..
merry xmas!!
29th evelyn: well, it christmas again! MERRY CHRISTMAS! may joy fill u ..*..*(",)...*..*
pfssg Huijia: hohoho! whishing you a berry merry xmas filled with fun and laughter,and a great
yr ahead!
Venezia Padma: Happy Merry Christmas Enjoy your day to the fullest God bless.
nrpsd Sharlene: + ,*, + *
* .,.*@
,. ,
lovE +
ingredients 4 GreaT bLeSSingS! JUs 4 U! MerrY xMas!
sophia aka venezia supervisor: Merry xmas to ya!
pfssg anthony: Today is christmas Be merry, be happy! HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRITMAS
peiYoke: Yoz.. merry x'mas! may this coming new yrear be a blessed one and filled with joy
peace and luck!take care and enjoy! stay cheers! ^o^
Liping: hi frenz... May this 2006 xmas brings us lotsa joy and laughter!!! Enjoy this special day
Doreen: Merry christmas to you! wish you have a beautiful and Meaningfull christmas with your
friends and family.
pfssg bryce: hey jingle bells jingle bells!Christmas is ard the corner wishing you a merry
christmas! Blessing to you and your loved ones!
William: merry christmas to you! wishing you a joyous yer ahead!
HuIpIng: Merry christams ! Enjoy the last of 06!!
Layleng: Merry chrstmas!!
29th vincent: happy christams to u!
pfssg aiping: christmas is near and its coming . be Merry , be happy HAVE A WONDERFUL
Pri ScH wendy:+ ,*, + *
* .,.*@
,. ,
lovE +
ingredients 4 GreaT bLeSSingS! JUs 4 U! MerrY xMas!
song heng: Greeting in chinese...
Dennis (gd frend of youth camp) : how r u? happy xmas hoilday and happy new year to u! may
you filled with life force, courage and wisdom to face the
challenges in 2007.
30th Dora: This is theseason to be jolly! fa la la la.. Wishing u a merry merry christmas:-D My
christmas wish is to see everyone i know to be happy!!! thats's u!
Nrpsd terry: may i stay inside ur inbox for a while... (tBC)
Sd MaYaNN: Heya. decided to be very kiasu! meRRy XmAS . Let This xmas be a 1 way tix to a even more joyful new yrear! live deeply.speak kindly!
WeiYi (teck ghee chap): greeting in chinese too.. unable to display..
Nrpsd jaymi: hey hello... just in case of the jam. haha. wish ya an advance merry christmas and happy new year..=) take care always
29th Sisi: In chinese too...
jackson (brass band): Same as weiyi...
sd shilei: dear frens whishing u a merry merry christmas and a time of joyand love with all your loved ones ! haf a wonderful time :)
christine OCBC: Whishing u a advance before the line jam tonighte!
(>". ."<)
( (oo) ))
merry pigmas! =)
29th serene : early wishes for U hope u have a merry christmas enjoy urself and have fun wishing u have a grest 2007 ahead, may it be bless wonderful and exciting year.
nrpsd shanice : Christmas is near and it's coming.. be happy have a wonderful christmas and nice hoilday
vice chief mabel: snowman for you on this coming season hoping it'll be merry and HAPPY SEASON . A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS TO U!
huixian.. : in chinese....
iic john: in chinese too
pfssg jolene.. : Chinese xmas greeting
29th sharon: merry xmas.. on msn and wishes in that lovely xmas card.. thanks pals..
chaifong: ha.. on my tag board??
Yeap.. talking abt the xmas card..
yeah the 29th councils had our last steamboat gathering... to exchange our xmas gift.. guess wat i gotten sharon de.. haha how qiao... cos already knew wat she buying.. but aniway.. though it was nt a surprise but.. it's definitely a lovely and warmth gift... haha hugging it now.. oppz.. haha.. definitely and enjoyable and memorable time Xiao yang er, The mongolia steamboat!!.. will up load pics once received.. haha...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
What is the purpose of life?
Monday, November 20, 2006
guess my time in troubling all this issue will nt be long.. once medical check up is done.. off i going for basic trainer course off will only be out on sat and sun..well well.. think gotten end here.. have sob enough le..
tmr going back nP to meet sum members and cic.. the world will continues to rotate.. watever.. yesh.. i must get up on the 8th.. huiling jiayou!!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sensei Daily prayers....
1) Today shall devote my life to Kosen-Rufu
2) No Matter Whatever happens, always be calm and strong and strong to face it.
3) People whome I see must be healthy, happy and thru dialogue gives hope to others
4) People whome i meet must portray the strength of ourselves
5) Always be opptimistic and democratic.
6) Try my best to act, showing the best actual proof.
7) Ability to treat the success of others as our own and be happy
8) Not to begrudge of previous mistakes but advance to the future.
9) No time to reciproate others, wholeheartedly advance forward.
10) Not to fear but be strong and not showing temper to anything matters but be patient.
11) Treat obstacles as an oppournity,showing great actual proof, increase our conviction each
the above prayer are all in chinese.. straightforward and strict.. and of cos he is also praying ahrd for the happiness of all the members as well as the BOE of the world.. can't happy but feel the closness of sensei.. once again.. yes..!! youth shall nv scuumb to defeat.. the more we suffer and polish ourselves now, the more we will gain in future.. Gambatte!!
"Kosen-rufu is a struggle against devilish forces.It's a struggle tat cannot be won with half hearted determination" -sensei
Sunday, October 29, 2006
WaT KInD of Personality R U?
Here is the analysis:
Bright and Cheerful!
You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.
oOh.. bright and cheerfull.. haha.. *bluSh*.. peeps do give it a try at the above link..n see 4 yaself wat u r.. haha
Nourishment of Dynamic Strides
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Back from YoutH CamP!!!
however there's a time for fun there is also a time for serious work.. had dialogue with GD ong after morning gongyo and he also further shared wif us the M &D spirit .. it is truly important because w/o the M & D spirit the flame of kofu will dies easily however with strong conviction in comrades as well as deep link with sensei only den will kofu be secure.. mr ong is pretty strict when he also share some plans for ssa in terms of expansion the membership in ssa.. and he also mention tat next yr 2007 is also a yr that we should nv think of lying back resting but full force each and every one of us to exert as much as we can to bring others to happiness..
Sunday, August 20, 2006
NDP 2006
sEe the HugE differenT in Ht?

Mi and Big Bro...

Mi and Lil bro.. 'teko' of our family

Li Sheng Jie Concet backdrop

Handsome neh.. singing from the heart..

billy brother??

my dad, da peh, er peh (M, B,NF)

the deco i prepared...

mi and mum..

the heartwarming attendance...

feast time....

this is urs tat is mine...

my beautiful wds...

saw the men in yellow? my MD zone ldr when i was 1,2yrs old

NdP 2006+Li shengJie concert+ 39th SSA family day
heyyo..yeah here i am updating all at one go.. rmb.. i mention in my previous post , mani major event has been happening within the past two months?
KK... i go one by one yeah.. haha month of august is kinda imprtant esp for all ssa member as well as families that has man in the house yeah.. haha know wat i m toking abt haha of cos is our annual national dae that ssa will never fails to participate each yr.. yep this yr mi bro and big bro had the good forune to participate. oh man.. jus goota pray for all their safety and success.. though i would hope to be in there as part of the participant.. but well.. this yr is MeN yr.. k lo.. so mi and mum momo de zhi qi them till the end of the show.. we met them up for sat dinner after each of their training as well as their two shows..haha had the privelege to watch two times of ndp.. haha.. envious? nah.. dun yeah leave mi ya contact and i bet u be the participant the next yr of 42th ndp.. haha.. kk.. the first was the saf family dae a dae of National dae for all families member whu had their members participating be it performing back stage, choir, etc.. and also another one which i went for the preview.. haha yep 29th july.. fireworkd booming everywhere.. that was also the dae ywd gathering was held in the noon.. haha so went back to bath and out with mum, squeexing in to the red trains where by u see mani patrotic singaporean.. wearing either red or white.. how beautiful and touched.. i felt that time.. esp when u sat on the audience seat all u could see is machiam like the whole pic make up of mini singapore flats.. haha.. can't help but feel extremely proud to be a singaporean...
shall not elaborate as pic will do the job.. haha.. enjoy..overall IT was a great success !!! absolute victory!!
LI Sheng Jie ConCerT
WooHa.. yep the dae before was pretty fortunate to be invited by dearest sharmain for a lisheng jie concert @babyface opp fullerton, was at second level the chill pub area.. withness his mi ren de guang cai.. omg.. he is relali "pan Nou liang ren".. actual look much younger and sum of his feature do resemble de billy.. aunti killer.. opps think li sheng jie is more of like shao nui killer... esp when u see the way he sang and most of his song are written by himself in his lates album , guan yu ni de ge... one of his song do strikes mi esp the lyric .. super meaningful and direct.. wonder wat it is, is non other den jui jing.. a sad love break up song ba.. haha.. as usual the gang of panasonic was there to chill and had our "dinner" after the concert.. ate at the streets beside DXO.. sounds familiar?.. their xia mee nice nice wor.. haha..long queue..
our gang ar got , mi, sharmane, xingyeow,jolene,aiping,leo and oNg.. wasted spider was not wif us.. haha.. aniway.. he busy man la.. haha.. yep.. had a good time toking abt panasonic.. haha.. but panasonic is gonna be quieter again.. esp bryce, and aiping leaving soon spider also i think.. haiz.. tian xia mei you bu shan de yen xi but y is it so fast... will definitely miss all of ur de lo..
den made our way back after a bottle of laughter.. most of us took 960 except for aiping and ong took train.. den funni.. 960 bring all of us to the stop after PIE near Highway den was intending to send them off before mi leaving for lrt den jol suggested she wanna take cab.. so all of us hop up the cab , leaving shar and xingyeo waiting for 190.. haha.. din expected to have a free ride.. aniway.. thanks babe yeah.. as she going woodland , leo going yewtee mi fajar.. three diff direction.. haha.. but as i m nearer i drop first lo.. den came back was not able to slp , went online and only to see aiping and leo online chatted wif him till 3 .. haha.. my eyes soon gave way.. yep.. gd nite to Msn...
39th ssa family day
wooha.. toking abt this major event, mi can't help but felt relieved now.. yesh.. its finally over and open up a new chapter for the growth of our district.. we hit 77 attendance in all.. how wonderfull... truly amazed with the pureness of wd.. got 1wd actually brought14 members.. wah.. we as youth full of vibrance also find it hard sumtime to invite 1 or 2.. she 14 leh... power!!
den was also concluded by lucky draw as well as our potluck session.. none of the food was wasted all finished with an hour.. how powerful... haha.. yep.. xinyi was there to support my family dae too.. haha.. thank to her too.. though invited her as a guest yet she machiam my left hand helper.. help mi do deco, arrange the food as well as letting mi her house printer to print my stuff.. haha i own todae success to ya men..
Teoh xinyi.. heard that.. haha.. yep.. cultural was good too.. uncle does square disco.. accompanied by chinese song as well as line dancing by our wds.. not to forget a powerful testimmonial by our ywds too.. and the ever bursting SSA video that has wang jian fu , jiu jian , zhu yong qing inside.. haha.. truly , everyone are happy.. as they left the place..all the struggles this few week are definitely worthwhile.. esp met shumin mum.. haha din noe that her mum is actualli one of our wd sisters haha how small the world is....
yep.. pic will do the job ba.. enjoy viewing..
solving Final products in process...
Cheers.. we have completed.. flashing their beautiful smiles
EeLyn Grp.. mission completed...!!
feast Time Strike.. happily enjoying food!!
Our "demure" ywds? oppz..
Rowe our da ji + eelyn= gift ceremony.. @@ at it is japan beads wor
Rowi+sharon= gift presentation also beads from japan wor.. drools
NrPsd YwdsGraduationZ GatherinGz
Mi and eelynn= sec sch accquatenices on mrt platform to friend in sec sch to ssa friend to nrp members under same cic, da huiling den to comrades fighting for our member happiness... and the list definitely goes long....
Mi and sharon=know her in sec dae when i wasin kotekitai, she fife ger i percussion, den to NP to tas, nrpsd member, to comrades struggling for our members growth to seeing her step from each of her diff phrase in life... u go far ger!
Mi and gen= hmm same as sharon , thru kot, to nrpsd.. the only sad thing is she didi not have a chance to strive in nrpsd due to her commitments as well as her leadership in Kot.. haha truly happy for her ..missing her now.. will she still rmb mi while she is over in aust? witness her diff bf each time.. opps dun get mi wrong not tat she changed mani bf but happen when she change i always get to c it.. fated to be the first informer? i guess so.. haha
oppz i been drifing too far from topic.. hmm overall the ywdas outing was pretty good la exep for sum hiccup and there.. but to all my cic out there reading.. haha actualli all tat hiccup is a learning platform for ur hor.. iic is also human and we do make mistakes sumtimes.. so hopefully ur still enjoy wat we prepared for all of ur.. esp.. the food kay.. lots of sweat wan hor.. salty or tasty? haha.. k la.. jus update the details with more picz yeah.. stay tune...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
HsBC tree top walk pIX
woo.. tat pretty high..supporting lay , walking behing her back.. haha
Nice, creative layout, growth of the leaves on the tree issn't.. it?
Nv ending stairs....
Terapins.. more and more terapins...
ChamelOns.. cawling.... haha
Monday, July 17, 2006
opps.. crack numerous stupid stuff and even trespass the golf area.. how daring we are, oppz.. that was not supposed to be done as stated... ANY TRESPASSER WILL BE PROSECUTED..haha.. but hack la.. we already sorta go one big round le.. so as liong as we see ars we headed for it.. haha.. ended up we still made it in time.. before 1.30.. yeah.. den met this angmon , a realli friendly and kind-hearted man who offered us a ride to the main road.. but how nice we are dun wanna dirty his car so decided to reject his offer.. as most of the cars along the path we walk mostly are BMWs, Mers lo..golfers ma.. haha.. den AS we walk to the left, as we walk to the right, as we walk, as we walk, as we walk all night..lalalalla.. den bid goodbye to lay as i made my way to AMK for friendship mtg.. haha.. wat An eventful DaE....
*stAY tuNe FOr PiCz*....
Monday, June 26, 2006
Bdae celebration in Panasonic!!
3rd 20th Bdae cake!!! beautiful design!!!
hehe.. haven overcoem the surprised i gotten form my wonderful babes..
let's clap together.. haha.. :) ooOo 2 big candle,,, 20 le..
Bdae cake and pressie!! Big surprised!!
Our mei Nu and Mi... Nice becklaces and candle holder!!
Birthdae Gift with beautiful babes and Hunks...
Say cheese!!!! PaNa_ FamilY unite!!!
ALL in All, MY 20Th bdae Gift!!!! +layLeng N.Y.D.C treat and..dear..etc..
Since 2001, the MILK Run has been a National Youth Day Event
that brings together disadvantaged & mainstream youths in a
celebration of promise & vitality. Youths regardless of their
background can feel that they belong, are valued, cared for &
can contribute.
Why the MILK Run
· To raise funds for anti-delinquency programmes for children and youths from disadvantaged families.
· To celebrate youth day by bringing together young people from diverse backgrounds in the spirit of friendship, co-operation and unity.
· To involve the community in the anti-delinquency cause and promote understanding of youth issues.
How It Adds Up
Race day will be one big party for everyone. Whether you are a serious competitive runner, a fitness buff, a fun runner or a supporter, there is something for you. The celebration includes a 8km & 5km race, a community run, a youth parade & a bazaar. The run starts at Jiak Kim Street, and takes runners along the Singapore River.
When & Where
Sunday 2nd July, Zouk Carpark, Jiak Kim Street
The day kicks off at 1pm with a Bazaar & at the same time the stage will light up with performances by youth talents. At 2pm, a parade by young people clad in a myriad of colours & body art will officially mark the opening of the day‘s celebration. Races flag off from 3.00 pm. The event will be hosted by Kids Central host Mervyn Goh & WKRZ 91.3 radio deejay Greta Georges. The celebration stretches till 6.00 pm.
- 10 000 strong crowd from schools, youth organisations, corporates, and community partners
- An urban run that covers a scenic route along the Singapore River
- Something for everyone- competitive races, community fun run, concert and bazaar
- $1m target amount to be raised
The parade and Concert titled “ONE” are to provide an opportunity for youths to contribute towards the success of the Celebration by showcasing their talents, energy and leadership qualities. Students can present items they have choreographed on their own. As for the parade, volunteer choreographers and student leaders from tertiary institutions will choreograph the routine and hold rehearsals for performers.
Parade Items
Heartbeat of Youth consisting a contingent of 100 youth percussionists.
The MILK Jig : This is time for everyone on the event ground to jump into the action. 200 dance leaders will be placed at strategic positions on the event ground, leading the crowd to do the MILK Jig. ----- SD & FD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Performers required: Dancers
The MILK Cheer : Bringing the event to its peak will be a stunt-cheerleading team consisting of Shuqun Primary School’s and Ngee Ann Poly’s Cheerleaders. They will perform the MILK Cheer. This will be a combined effort of cheerleading squads from all over Singapore coming together to perform a routine specially choreographed for this cheer.
Colours of Youth: Keeping the energy levels up will be a colourful group of 200 performers in coordinated costumes, balloons, and make-up, marching down to the event ground. This item will showcase the talents and zest of youths and children as they perform circus acts around the event ground as well as on stage. There will be balancing acts, juggling etc.
Performers required: Military Band, Jugglers, Stilt Walkers, Bag Pipers, Anime Characters
“ONE” Items
Rapping, breakdancing, Stunt biking, circus skills, dancing, acrobatics, singing, drumming, or any other talent that the youth can show off!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Hatch dae!!!
haha great place to have dialogues.. we chatted thru the night.. it was super full of value yesterdae.. and this morning had breakfast wuth them before.. we left for home haha had pretty long session of chit chat till 10 plus plus.. cool.. den initally have tution at one but it was postphoned to either tmr of tue..haha so had a good time slping till just now.. oppz.. haha den guess wat got a shock when mum told mi tonight lets go M1 shop.. as they be getting mi a phone which i casually mention the other time.. whaha.. thanks daddy and mummy!! hehe.. din manage to meet up dear as he had sum family dinner to attend to and mi would be pretty rush as gotta rush back hm to buy phone so we postphone the celebration till tue lo..
haha tat's when he mention he be more able to have great meals as he pays is coming in.. whaha.. actualli doesn't really matter but must be understanding lo.. dun wanna make him rush here and there so haha tue ba.. hehe.. yeap.. below are sum pic taken on my birthdae but there will be more after tonight.. too.. another 1 more celebration to go haha... kk.. aims to read at least a chap a day... whaha.. as for youthful diary.. both are really great book which i longed wanted for... jus so sweet for them, trying very hard to bluff mi but mi pretty smart yesterdae.. lo whaha.. oppz... nah la.. a yr wiser ma.. yep.. kk gtg... update again!!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
2 WeeKs for updates...
K-ing was great definitely esp with mr XINgyeo.. the beyond comes alive in panasonic.. could really say that his voice realli do sound like beyong esp the way u sing him sing.. whaha.. shifu.. sumday must teach mi some tactis of ur yeah.. had a great time screaming and absolutly indulging the the companys of sharmain, jolene,xingyeow..didn't felt much pain in the throat at that time.. think it was when i reach hm, could feel my body is kinda warm and throat started t get dry.. :(
Den past few days has been going up R and D to search for drawings needed to set up the drawings control system.. get to noe another NP studendent also in bussiness sch de haha.. but she leaving soon too sob.. haha.. but well enjoyed my stay there though is kinda tough searching for drawings at time.. haha it was also in that day i managed to strike a really deep dialogue with xingyeow , share with him lots of testimonials.. haha guess it all jus come naturally when we talk abt the topic on enemies i think haha.. a really enjoyable dialogue session in the midest of working.. oppx.. but still must continue to chant for those confirmed gers and guys to be able to make it for the concert and it must leave an impact on them... yeah!!
Met dear yesterdae together with layleng and her dearest victor.. haha to have dinner as well as dialoguekai.. haha.. yep finally get to see him ever since our last meet up.. haha.. pretty enjoyable and fruitful though as usual he still loves to disturb mi haha.. yep he gave mi a good bye kiss yesterdae..oOoO... nuthing but shocked and felt sweet from deep within.. haha... oppx.... ;)
Coming next it's my ice-skating session todae after work.. haha as usual our "SI TANG" went to JE for dinner taking company transport as well as fulfilling annie dream to join her to skate as it has been ages she last skated , so am i.. haha met sum ngeen annsian there met darryl, used to be member of tas , as well as a course mates.. , my sec sch friends.. haha.. the world is jus so small.. and they definitely skate better den mi.. whaha but was a rather good warm up for the first 1 and half hrs, followed by helping jolene to balance and skate as it was her first time.. haha it jus reminded mi back in my sec sch time when i used to skate with my vball players.. hehe.. good old memories... leg alil strained now.. haha.. workiNG life is defintely so much diff in studying but having great collegues defintely spice It UP.. to end of, i once remebered this:
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I am Proud Of YOU...
Toda sensei said:" Nothing is worse than failing to participate in a struggle. If you don't have the spirit to participate even if you have to crawl there on your hands and knees to do so, then you are not truly following the path of a disciple!" Ikeda Sensei said Toda sensei declared that we could not consider ourselves genuine disciples if we didn't rush to join in a struggle at a crucial moment, no matter what our circumstances.
Hence i hope that it did not scare ya off but rather i hope we all can really work closely hand in hand at this moment and scored trememdous victories in our lives when we look back. Nv despair for we are always with ya i mean sumtime i feel that an institution will nv advance without each and everyone's of our effort, commitment and trust, unity among oursleves hehe paiseh wonder if he reads my post. haha aniway, really learn alot through putting up the skit as well as overseeing the whole event, managed to breakthrough sum inner struggles through this wonderful session held on 20th May 06..
haha yeah.. like wat i said, we dun stop here yeah there be more happening stuff coming by moreover CALLING ALL YOUTHS OF SINGAPORE, SOKA ASSOCIATION STUDENT DIVISION will be holding a 2 day concert 17,18 june 05 at tampiness st 81 SSA HQ. There be be performance such as live bands, drums,music ensemble, muai tai , cheerleading leading and mani mani more for ya to check it out.. so interested peeps whu been consistent reading my entries.. wat ya waiting for jus hurry contact mi and get a ticket from mi as it is FOC.!!
haha.. mi machiam sound like sell "ko yoke".. haha aniway it is realli sumthing we cannot afford to miss.. so hurry yea.. yeps as for now.. still busy with work, workload machiam nv ending.. and my boss actually went china hoil.. so hopefully i dun get OT.. friends is great over there enjoying their great accompany haha.. alrright..
haha btw, went to have an hair cut today after our dialogue with shanice and Samantha and my tutioning session.. was a pretty fulfilling dae in the sense that morning gongyo with michael yap at senja with peilyn, sooshan,layleng den go down from break and dialogues den followed by coincidencely met shawnric at bp bus interchange haha den proceed to jurong point to meet my two ywds.. hmm thinking back was kinda warmed esp all ywds that i had been calling since i was a cic back then aiming to at least foster a leader for kosen rufu is realised to dae..esp also after passing them to xy and jay to look after.. is jus immense joy that no words could describe ba..
haha.. yep.. of cos cic role is definitely not sumthing easi that we take it lightly as the happiness of our members greatly depend on how we gonna guide them in terms of their struggles in other areas to bring them back to the prime point of faith and alwyas keep close updates abt their recent situation etc. it is definitely a special role which we must realli feel for the members we are serving.. everyon's of us in precious there fore SSA has this 10 humanistic rules for leaders to follow.. haha
1) Let us always treasure and serve our members well.
2) Lets us be courteous ,warm, cheerful to everyone we meet.
3)Lets us always be cheerful to warm the hearts of others.
4) Lets us refrain from loose talks or gossiping among ourselves.
5)Lets us base all our actions on compassion and wisdom.
6) Lets us promote harmonious unity of our members at all time.
7)Lets us promote harmonious unity of the members at all time.
8) let us never betray the trust and confidence of our members.
9) Lets us remember our human revolution is the basis for kosen-rufu.
10) Lets us remember our great benefit is to achieve our human revolution.
of cos this is somthing i would always try to remind myself to be like wise all us are we do have our weakness at times and none of us is perfect but as long as we believe we can, nuthing could shake our ichinen, y let the mind control us when we can control our mind? haha.. sound a lil chim tonight..perhaps jus sum thoughts to pen down ba.. haha alrighty gtg liao.. ending here.. tune in for my next post yeah.. will post the nrpsd Picx up!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
PFSSG MovIe + PiZzA...
XiNg YeoW and ShaRmaIn. aka sHa Mei...Junior and seNior
The NgeE AnnZ UnItE!!! Ha.. VeeNa, Mi, Jolene!!
Heather.. deep in focus.. ha.. 8 lives on ya hands wor.. heheh..
SharMaine , Jolene, and Mi.. where is veeNa and Heather??
The Cuys caught in actions.. oppx.. whu's pizza is this???
Mass grP picz.. yeah.. That makes up 20 Percent of TemP staff In Panasonic!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Bintan trip Pix
our Lunch at HQ Pantry
reaching TNMR terminal at 9 plus..
My First Time FerrY tickeT !!!!
LOoK How beautifUl skY is.. and how abt the waves?
Powerful Waves.. left behind after each ounce of distance the ferriers cover..
can Ya make sum thoeries out of it?
Konichiwa.. welcome to our vip room.. this way pls...
ReVitalise YOuTHs.. my close family for thE two days!! (taken before alighting bintan).
their exhibition... u seen their effort?.. i do.... given their limited resources.. this is how splendid it is..
the ferrY which fetches us over... to bintian..!! PENQUIN TIOMAN
the firsT Oversea Kaikan which i step foot on.. here we are!!
he ger in white is the one whom acting touches us as she played the role of a jap lady
whose tears rolled as she speak in the play and meizhuang.. in yellow..
mayanN , Mi and ah fang.. (the baykuren who deserve a salute).
xingjie, ah ying, xiao tian, liling..
the youth centre which shelter us from cold and mosquito.
our last review before we left for hOme.. bintn chapters chiefs at the back..
Our dearest three mentor in life...
bleah .....Busy writting letters for GD..
We have a vision for tmr.. jus believe.
U and mi, will do our part, stand together heart to heart
we gonna show the world wat singapore sd will be, we can achieve , we can achieve
count on us, my dear comrades, lets do our best my comrades..( tune from spore national song)