Wow.. jus came back from the annual lecture nt long.. was tremendous refreshed right after that.. it was such an awesome tok tat truly plucked into the event which we have known and have heard of.. sumthing real tat we can comprehend.. perhaps SD sould organise more of such close topic and interesting topic in future for our youmger generation in order to cultivate a strong sense of seeking spirit. the speaker a professor from university of malaysia whu has contact with sensei with senseis books and articles and i remebered he sae sumthing that sensei words, books and arts is sumthing that he finds hard to disagree with. it is jus so right and true. for those whu did not go.. all i could sae is..go for the next round if there is one.. u definitely will benefit..
Clearly remember this statement which he saes there is no right to do wrong. this statement is regarding a question posted by this girl from ASD. The ger said that the iraq war has a positive side to it as the war also freed the people from the corrupted system of the government and gave them rights. but the speaker said that there are no positive sides to a war. war causes death. giving the people rights does not justify having the war. because the war will kill people way before they can even get their rights. how can dead people enjoy their rights. therefore, there can never be a positive side to having war. no matter the reason behind it... as wat it was written on xueyun blog.. this was sumtime tat awakends mi.. yesh.. as long as we try to achieve sumthing using war we definitely bring ourself back to zero again.. esp fighting for human rights.. like wat he sae. if life were lost in country A, how can country A enjoys the right ani more.. even if it is for a piece of land.. they would be dead den to enjoy wat they have with the land they fought for.. i had also took down sum key points whereby it was further sumaries into this:
1) Peace is the absence of conflict.
2) Quality without morality is a dangerous commodities.
3) No equality without oral transformations.
In addition, he is quite a humourous speaker with a humourous chairperson.. cool!! like wat i said in the feed back form, the talks is binds with the interesting topics which sensei has been focusing alot into PEACE... and with an interesting speaker, it turns our to be an interesting talks.. well done the DIAL committee... Three cheers!!
(P.s) : it is definitely beast all other lectures but the sd conference on education and this lect is sumthing i will nv forget.. so if any hq leaders are reading this, pls.. in order for students to attend.. organise more topic which are close to us like education, peace, cruelty tat we could feel for it.. rather den.. sum previous toks which no one hardly comprehen..
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
A SenSe Of GratItUde...
Todae.. was rather a different dae in my life not as if i attend ani event or wat.. but the things tat happen seem to have one reason or another.. haha.. sounds chim yeah.. well..let mi go one by one.. haha.. morning tution sharon... was blessed to have this kid of mine she is simply adorable.. made mi looking forward to each and ever session with her.. and she is rather hard working too.. that realli warms my heart.. i could sense the passion to learn.. and it really drawn mi refelection.. when did i last had the seeking spirit regardless from my teacher or anithing.. thsu after yesterdae meet up with iic.. i resolve to realli read more to deepen my own faith so as to encourage another one more person.. and nv skip my 1 hr daimoku per dae.. onli then could i polish the jewel in my life.
reach hm to get sum sleep which i lost past few dae.. wake up ay 1.30 and bath den go down for a panasonic interview at tuas.. i must have heard it wrongly tot is at woodland.. took train there le.. den was ask to tke a cab to jalan ahmad ibrahim onli to realise tat it is actualli at tuas.. wah almost one big round.. and there goes my 15 bucks.. hai... blur mi.. luckily the tai driver is one nice chap.. he made sure i go the right place.. haha..
reach panasonice building, went in for interview.. interview was a good one.. addressed most of my concern.. i was realli glad with this company that no shift work was required onli OT at a later stage.. so hmm.. so would nt clash with my soka activites and tution at night... yep.. share with them abt my commitment like tution and soka activity.. haha.. not a bad interview after all..after 20 mins., mi made my own out after sum instruction given by one of the staff whu interviewed mi.. yep.. on the way think going back to catch sum slp before going for another tution wif ginni.. my job agency personal called ask mi if i could make my way down town to the office todae..asthe panasonic ppl has confirmed the job offer for mi... wah.. was i dreaming? haha.. so fast ?.. mi almost could nt believe.. yesterdae was jus complaining abt being unemployed.. but now.. hmm ok so gladly i made my way down.. to my surprise met song wen there she is one of my ywd whu introduced mi tom kotekitai as well as my ex district leader.. she looking for new jobs too.. after quitting nursing.. hmm.. but too bad no time to catch up with her as i was brought in to another room to settle the documents.. wah can u believe it.. mi starting my new work next week.. cool!!
On my way back.. my mind was flooded with loads of tots but of course i will nt give up my dream to be a police women.. mi jus postphoning it nia.. cos the recruitment will nt be held so soon.. jus sum insider info.. hai.. so no choice gotta get sum temp job for survial lo.. also dun wanan depend on daddy for allowances le.. it should be my turn to repay.. as i was thinking while making my way to ginni house i believe this is all gohonzon arrangemant.. it is because.. when i was appling for police.. i actualli told gohonzon.. i wana to be a police but yet nt scarificing my activity.. which is nt possible as can onli book out on weekend thus...i guess tat y there was no reply from spf till now.. after the new role that i resolve to do well in. cos if the letter were to cum now, soon within 6 mth i will be in training and nt able to attaned ani mtg.. which i realli need the most now..esp after being an iic and assistant district leader.. wat i need now is real soild faith training.. thus this job gives mi nt only the chance to contribute to kofu, but also at the same time gaining experience for the future.. as is a temp position.. for 9mth.. den going into spf will nt be late either.. haha.. good plan isn't it.. was really grateful for tat..when cum to think abt it.. haha.
I always believe that our prayers will nv go unanswered as long as we sincerely chant for it.. is jus a matter of time.. sumtime it might nt be the outcome u expect but it is the best arrangement down the road.. thus in order to really give back to wat we have been gaining from the oragnisation regardless encouragment or wisdom. the only way to pay gratitude is thru our action.. mouth dun do the job.. onli if we treat every of our member as a hope, a life.. and realli go all out for them so tat they achieve happiness.. jus as my principle lies.. if wanna do a job, do it well ! if nt dun do it in the first place at all.... All Out for 2K!! we Can do IT as long as we belive we caN!!
reach hm to get sum sleep which i lost past few dae.. wake up ay 1.30 and bath den go down for a panasonic interview at tuas.. i must have heard it wrongly tot is at woodland.. took train there le.. den was ask to tke a cab to jalan ahmad ibrahim onli to realise tat it is actualli at tuas.. wah almost one big round.. and there goes my 15 bucks.. hai... blur mi.. luckily the tai driver is one nice chap.. he made sure i go the right place.. haha..
reach panasonice building, went in for interview.. interview was a good one.. addressed most of my concern.. i was realli glad with this company that no shift work was required onli OT at a later stage.. so hmm.. so would nt clash with my soka activites and tution at night... yep.. share with them abt my commitment like tution and soka activity.. haha.. not a bad interview after all..after 20 mins., mi made my own out after sum instruction given by one of the staff whu interviewed mi.. yep.. on the way think going back to catch sum slp before going for another tution wif ginni.. my job agency personal called ask mi if i could make my way down town to the office todae..asthe panasonic ppl has confirmed the job offer for mi... wah.. was i dreaming? haha.. so fast ?.. mi almost could nt believe.. yesterdae was jus complaining abt being unemployed.. but now.. hmm ok so gladly i made my way down.. to my surprise met song wen there she is one of my ywd whu introduced mi tom kotekitai as well as my ex district leader.. she looking for new jobs too.. after quitting nursing.. hmm.. but too bad no time to catch up with her as i was brought in to another room to settle the documents.. wah can u believe it.. mi starting my new work next week.. cool!!
On my way back.. my mind was flooded with loads of tots but of course i will nt give up my dream to be a police women.. mi jus postphoning it nia.. cos the recruitment will nt be held so soon.. jus sum insider info.. hai.. so no choice gotta get sum temp job for survial lo.. also dun wanan depend on daddy for allowances le.. it should be my turn to repay.. as i was thinking while making my way to ginni house i believe this is all gohonzon arrangemant.. it is because.. when i was appling for police.. i actualli told gohonzon.. i wana to be a police but yet nt scarificing my activity.. which is nt possible as can onli book out on weekend thus...i guess tat y there was no reply from spf till now.. after the new role that i resolve to do well in. cos if the letter were to cum now, soon within 6 mth i will be in training and nt able to attaned ani mtg.. which i realli need the most now..esp after being an iic and assistant district leader.. wat i need now is real soild faith training.. thus this job gives mi nt only the chance to contribute to kofu, but also at the same time gaining experience for the future.. as is a temp position.. for 9mth.. den going into spf will nt be late either.. haha.. good plan isn't it.. was really grateful for tat..when cum to think abt it.. haha.
I always believe that our prayers will nv go unanswered as long as we sincerely chant for it.. is jus a matter of time.. sumtime it might nt be the outcome u expect but it is the best arrangement down the road.. thus in order to really give back to wat we have been gaining from the oragnisation regardless encouragment or wisdom. the only way to pay gratitude is thru our action.. mouth dun do the job.. onli if we treat every of our member as a hope, a life.. and realli go all out for them so tat they achieve happiness.. jus as my principle lies.. if wanna do a job, do it well ! if nt dun do it in the first place at all.... All Out for 2K!! we Can do IT as long as we belive we caN!!
F01 GraduatiNg chaLet!!
haPPy 4 frenDz..

Our Guys focusIng on MahjONg??

Our LivinG room at ChangI aloHa...

The StairCase..................................

The DinIng rooM...................

The 6 inseParable!!!!!!!

BaBes In acTIon....!!!

Where ARe the rest???? oppx.. pose first.. (>_<)

keLvIn leavINg soOn.. work next dae... The arriVal of our menTOr.. Jeff WU....

Formal Pic with Mentor/ RM lecturer cum tutor!! He is definietly an A class teacher!!

CazYzI manIA....Crazy pose Comes AliVe!!

Our Guys focusIng on MahjONg??
Our LivinG room at ChangI aloHa...
The StairCase..................................
The DinIng rooM...................
The 6 inseParable!!!!!!!
BaBes In acTIon....!!!
Where ARe the rest???? oppx.. pose first.. (>_<)
keLvIn leavINg soOn.. work next dae... The arriVal of our menTOr.. Jeff WU....
Formal Pic with Mentor/ RM lecturer cum tutor!! He is definietly an A class teacher!!
CazYzI manIA....Crazy pose Comes AliVe!!
GraduatIng Class chalet...
MoshI MoshI.. as mention in the orevious post got two chalet at one go.. hmm this falls on mon till wed.. but as i was out in by after nrpsd chalet.. mi din go for the first night , went to fill up forms for jobs.. instead and went on the second night. hmm.. made my way there after tutioning sharon my pri 2 kid.. hahah she is damn cute ok.. chubby chubby de.. haha.. den back hm packed clothees den meet serene at jurong platform.. haha as usual i was late again.. reach changi chalet around 3pm.. cos went changi villiage to have nasi lemark before going chalet.. i mean how can u miss out the famous nasi lemark in changi right.. yep.. den catch the repeat of campus superstar.. at the chalet.. and also help up in preparing for the night bbq.. haha preoparation was fun and i wpuld sae we r creative in one way another.. anithing end sup in our hand all can be wrapped with alumnium foil.. haha had sambal crabsricks and hotdogs wrapped, mushroom wrapped with cheddar deliecious.. wah is simply delicious when it melt on the fire.. cool.. was one of the favourite dish.. haha took numerous picz..
one great thing was we had the arrivial of our two lectuer.. haha one mr liow, ECD module leader, and jeff wu... haha.. they damn zai men.. sae will cum realli cum.. and jeff wu stay with us till 1 pm wor.. almost 2 hr plus.. enjoy crapping with him.. i would sae.. he realli dun behave like a lecturer.. he is jus so student.. able to think for us in one way another and realli put in all effort to make us understand all the concept.. nt onli tat his joke in class was super no one de lo.. can luff till u cry... anithing under the sun.. u name it he has it.. haha.. will always rmb the joke he mention regarding one of our lecturer.. Jeff wu!! thanks for all ya guidence in our class.. thanks a milliOn.. haha.. yep.. den watch a lil of tvz show the the rest..
After 1pm when jeff wu leave tat time high light of the chalet we knew we had no good time.. we gonna be torture nt to slp.. oh no.. haha so we had our bath.. end up i was the last to bath cos my gers sae my hair was the shortest so last to bath.. haha.. ok lo.. den feel terribly cold when get out of the toilet.. haha.. tats get the guys started to bath too.. when they bath finished le.. wah.. u could see their action is pretty fast .. they carried two mattress into our rm man.. nt to slp wif us though..though we did last yr haha but to have 4 hrs of marathon of pokke games.. haha..played the "singapore heart atack " in continous system, every round there bound to be laughter.. haha even the hard stong eugene also luff till cry.. den followed by indian pokke.. haha forfeit is to put ice cube in ani part of our body ( dun be mistaken, visible parts nia ).. haha tio once..den we move to.. this game.. was a new one.. whereby each of us give a name to ourself den we had to put a card down each time face up who ever whu has the smaller and similar cards have to shout one another name as fast as possible.. the forfeit ones, gets all the others players card.. haha a test of alertness and memory.. haha.. was realli cool.. realli luff out loud.. each game there be sum incident worth luffing..
haha slept around 5.. den gotta wake up at 845 the next dae to book out.. i was the third to wake up.. haha.. yep.. den it jus ended after the next dae packing of bags taking back sum of the leftover.. but we each know that our friendship is nt going to end here.. its gonna be everlasting right 01?? haha.. lets keep our class spirit high yea!!! More outings to go.. haha and we nv regret nt going for our prom night.. indeed the chalet was much better then prom night we realli get closer again!!
one great thing was we had the arrivial of our two lectuer.. haha one mr liow, ECD module leader, and jeff wu... haha.. they damn zai men.. sae will cum realli cum.. and jeff wu stay with us till 1 pm wor.. almost 2 hr plus.. enjoy crapping with him.. i would sae.. he realli dun behave like a lecturer.. he is jus so student.. able to think for us in one way another and realli put in all effort to make us understand all the concept.. nt onli tat his joke in class was super no one de lo.. can luff till u cry... anithing under the sun.. u name it he has it.. haha.. will always rmb the joke he mention regarding one of our lecturer.. Jeff wu!! thanks for all ya guidence in our class.. thanks a milliOn.. haha.. yep.. den watch a lil of tvz show the the rest..
After 1pm when jeff wu leave tat time high light of the chalet we knew we had no good time.. we gonna be torture nt to slp.. oh no.. haha so we had our bath.. end up i was the last to bath cos my gers sae my hair was the shortest so last to bath.. haha.. ok lo.. den feel terribly cold when get out of the toilet.. haha.. tats get the guys started to bath too.. when they bath finished le.. wah.. u could see their action is pretty fast .. they carried two mattress into our rm man.. nt to slp wif us though..though we did last yr haha but to have 4 hrs of marathon of pokke games.. haha..played the "singapore heart atack " in continous system, every round there bound to be laughter.. haha even the hard stong eugene also luff till cry.. den followed by indian pokke.. haha forfeit is to put ice cube in ani part of our body ( dun be mistaken, visible parts nia ).. haha tio once..den we move to.. this game.. was a new one.. whereby each of us give a name to ourself den we had to put a card down each time face up who ever whu has the smaller and similar cards have to shout one another name as fast as possible.. the forfeit ones, gets all the others players card.. haha a test of alertness and memory.. haha.. was realli cool.. realli luff out loud.. each game there be sum incident worth luffing..
haha slept around 5.. den gotta wake up at 845 the next dae to book out.. i was the third to wake up.. haha.. yep.. den it jus ended after the next dae packing of bags taking back sum of the leftover.. but we each know that our friendship is nt going to end here.. its gonna be everlasting right 01?? haha.. lets keep our class spirit high yea!!! More outings to go.. haha and we nv regret nt going for our prom night.. indeed the chalet was much better then prom night we realli get closer again!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Nrpsd ywd chalet!!
oh ya... it's been a long wait for my this entry yeah.. haha.. mi gonna blog all at one ago.. of my continous chalet.. on from sat to mon nrpsd ywd de chalet den the other one is my graduating class chalet.. both r really well done.. love it.. haha.. yeah.. back to my ywd chalet, it was at aloha loyang.. if ya wanna more precise details can go see jaymi blog.. haha.. well we made our way there after cic training at syc at 6 like tat den had dinner.. den luff alot.. gues sall of us rew pretty high tat dae.. esp dear jaymi.. haha... her laughter is contangious.. haha.. yep.. den had our dinner at foodcourt den made our way, taking nel line to pasir ris. haha the journey was there was crappy lo.. tok alot.. while xia rest as she nt feel realli well.. hmm.. den reached pasir ris le.. we split up, cic delievered the "ai xing" dinner to siewhoon.. whereas mi, rowe, layleng went to buy stuff needed for the night as well as morning breakfast..
haha.. cool shooping in Ntuc.. was realli fun with tat aunti trademark of ours.. opps.. haha even 20 cent also wanna save.. haha den compared here and there.. making our money worth.. bought lots of tibits and stuff den made our way back to aloha loyang.. by shuttle bus.. bus was cool.. cosy and small jus nice for three of us.. haha.. reahced le called siewhoon and she bring us through a shorter route which she assume but at the end of the chalet we den found out tat tat nt the shortest but even another shortest.. haha.. omg.. den rested awhile.. had sum mini chit chat..and waited for sharon and cai to start our dialogue for the night regarding our next plan for the next quater yr.. yeah.. dialogue was fruitful... discover lots of serect.. luff till pengz.. too.. yea.. den wash up.. , supper.. and.. good night..
The next dae was game.. and bbqing.. hmm was rather a successful one in a way not thru quantity of ppl whu came but the quality time we spend with one another.. the dilogue we engaged.. the games.. has made most of my members widen a lil of their circle of friendship.. mi too had learn from sum of them... hehe.. BBq sessioN.. was cool.. but sad as sum of them gotta leave early.. for workshop in the next dae.. haha.. so guess wat, we took a mass pic,, and sum of them left le.. left seven of us as well as the alumni, da huiling, xinyi, wenqing.. so sweet of them to make their way down.. wat smost exciting was all of us are glued to the ming xing idol show.. fighting over whu will win, leo or bryan.. haha.. we have two strong supporter for leo as well as bryan.. as for the rest.. so-so la.. we took a neutral stand.. haha..
After the show.. hmm.. decided to go try the jacuzzi suggested by jay.. haha end up they off the electricity le.. no more jacuzzi.. guess wat we did nt give up wor.. we went to the baby pool and had sum illeagl actions.. takings pics... in the water.. haha tat was challenging as it was rather dark.. with dim lights ard.. haha but still we enjoyed ourself till the guard shine torch on us.. tat when.. we r alrdy in the peak.. haha so no choice.. we tried to wait till the guard go.. but the guard were even more determined to make us go.. haha so we went to the pasir ris beach.. wah.. it was a smart decision.. sky was realli nice, stars.. realli enjoyable... we sat on the stony area.. where we could see the oppsite island.. with ships.. took a no of photos.. esp the mentor pose... haha den sang alot of songs to spice up the mood.. haha as well as shring sum of our dark serect.. oppx.. haha.. great...den we sat till it drizzle..
haiz.. guess if it dun drizzle we might stay there till dawn as ya realli lost the urge to get up in tat smooth, cosy enviroment.. so back to the chalet.. wash up.. and we dispose the water bomb tat was prapard in the afternoon.. by..... haha booming on jay.. cos she volunterred de.. of cos nt on her but the floor where she standing... haha even video tape the whole process .. also watered sum plants... den each of us had our bath.. and now.. it is photo time.. took lots of pic with weird pose.. haha.. but nice la overall.. hmm.. satisfied... while xue and layleng turn to bed.. we continue palying 007, daide.. 5 players de wor.. haha.. managed to win twice.. eh.. haha.. yep.. den slept at 3.30am on the second night with xue till 845am the next morning.. and prepared breakfast for all of us.. lay cooked maggi while i help to scope the noodles.. den add a lil of yesaterdae leftover microwave chicken.. nice... den off we go..
haha.. cool shooping in Ntuc.. was realli fun with tat aunti trademark of ours.. opps.. haha even 20 cent also wanna save.. haha den compared here and there.. making our money worth.. bought lots of tibits and stuff den made our way back to aloha loyang.. by shuttle bus.. bus was cool.. cosy and small jus nice for three of us.. haha.. reahced le called siewhoon and she bring us through a shorter route which she assume but at the end of the chalet we den found out tat tat nt the shortest but even another shortest.. haha.. omg.. den rested awhile.. had sum mini chit chat..and waited for sharon and cai to start our dialogue for the night regarding our next plan for the next quater yr.. yeah.. dialogue was fruitful... discover lots of serect.. luff till pengz.. too.. yea.. den wash up.. , supper.. and.. good night..
The next dae was game.. and bbqing.. hmm was rather a successful one in a way not thru quantity of ppl whu came but the quality time we spend with one another.. the dilogue we engaged.. the games.. has made most of my members widen a lil of their circle of friendship.. mi too had learn from sum of them... hehe.. BBq sessioN.. was cool.. but sad as sum of them gotta leave early.. for workshop in the next dae.. haha.. so guess wat, we took a mass pic,, and sum of them left le.. left seven of us as well as the alumni, da huiling, xinyi, wenqing.. so sweet of them to make their way down.. wat smost exciting was all of us are glued to the ming xing idol show.. fighting over whu will win, leo or bryan.. haha.. we have two strong supporter for leo as well as bryan.. as for the rest.. so-so la.. we took a neutral stand.. haha..
After the show.. hmm.. decided to go try the jacuzzi suggested by jay.. haha end up they off the electricity le.. no more jacuzzi.. guess wat we did nt give up wor.. we went to the baby pool and had sum illeagl actions.. takings pics... in the water.. haha tat was challenging as it was rather dark.. with dim lights ard.. haha but still we enjoyed ourself till the guard shine torch on us.. tat when.. we r alrdy in the peak.. haha so no choice.. we tried to wait till the guard go.. but the guard were even more determined to make us go.. haha so we went to the pasir ris beach.. wah.. it was a smart decision.. sky was realli nice, stars.. realli enjoyable... we sat on the stony area.. where we could see the oppsite island.. with ships.. took a no of photos.. esp the mentor pose... haha den sang alot of songs to spice up the mood.. haha as well as shring sum of our dark serect.. oppx.. haha.. great...den we sat till it drizzle..
haiz.. guess if it dun drizzle we might stay there till dawn as ya realli lost the urge to get up in tat smooth, cosy enviroment.. so back to the chalet.. wash up.. and we dispose the water bomb tat was prapard in the afternoon.. by..... haha booming on jay.. cos she volunterred de.. of cos nt on her but the floor where she standing... haha even video tape the whole process .. also watered sum plants... den each of us had our bath.. and now.. it is photo time.. took lots of pic with weird pose.. haha.. but nice la overall.. hmm.. satisfied... while xue and layleng turn to bed.. we continue palying 007, daide.. 5 players de wor.. haha.. managed to win twice.. eh.. haha.. yep.. den slept at 3.30am on the second night with xue till 845am the next morning.. and prepared breakfast for all of us.. lay cooked maggi while i help to scope the noodles.. den add a lil of yesaterdae leftover microwave chicken.. nice... den off we go..
Home sweet Home...
NRPSD YWD Chalet!!
Our Bed rooM for The nIght..

DialoGue seSSioN in Wee hours.. Jay and Xia.. stonIng??

Hahha... as our sessiOn goes On....

end Of dialOGue.. time to wasH up..

Yeah.... Nice pose..

Victory for Nrpsd!!

GaMes sessiOn...Our two reprensentatives

GrouP 1....

My grouP seriouslY at work...

yeah TaTs us.. grp 2!!

Our Game Mistress for The dae!!

BBQ sessIOn tiMe!!

MarshmallOw.. meltinG it's way!!

Dialogues session inthe midest of eatIng!!

CCQ under the *touched*..

Mass PIc!!! A greaT success!!

DialoGue seSSioN in Wee hours.. Jay and Xia.. stonIng??
Hahha... as our sessiOn goes On....
end Of dialOGue.. time to wasH up..
Yeah.... Nice pose..
Victory for Nrpsd!!
GaMes sessiOn...Our two reprensentatives
GrouP 1....
My grouP seriouslY at work...
yeah TaTs us.. grp 2!!
Our Game Mistress for The dae!!
BBQ sessIOn tiMe!!
MarshmallOw.. meltinG it's way!!
Dialogues session inthe midest of eatIng!!
CCQ under the *touched*..
Mass PIc!!! A greaT success!!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
DeresT Xue yIng weddiNG
oh.. i gonna miss U deeply....

reciting of weddiNg pladge to Gohonzon..

Yeah Nrpsd.. will be with U always!!

Mi, ying and jay... she simply look gorgeous on that dae...

jaymi presenting the gift to our dearest...

Once agaIn another shoT!!

reciting of weddiNg pladge to Gohonzon..
Yeah Nrpsd.. will be with U always!!
Mi, ying and jay... she simply look gorgeous on that dae...
jaymi presenting the gift to our dearest...
Once agaIn another shoT!!
清晰透明 就像美丽的风景
过往温柔 已经被时间上锁
两行泪遮住我的眼泪 让爱渗透了地面
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
fiTness dae..
oo.. todae was indeed a refreshing dae.. had 2 hrs of woprkout at cck gym with jaymi.. haha it jus allows our old bones to relax meanwhile burning put sum cholestral.. oppx.. dunno how to spell.. den after the session we headed for a light dinner at delifrance.. mi had peach tarts while she had sume curry chicken puffs.. cool den after tat headed to aljunied for 4d discussion with the youth.. initally was to go hm but since bro was there wif mi we headed to his hs for the night at pungol wif my sis-in-law.. so jus reach back hm nt long .. haha.. and traveling back from pungol to bt. panjang was no joke.. we slept almost on every bus we took.. haha.. cos we slept at 3 yet gotta wake up as early as 7.30 as bro and sis in law going for work.. haha.. yeap.. den jus back from meeting vichelle.. regarding our nrpsd chalet on 18th march.. at aloha loyang.. cool.. met her at bishan together with layleng den.. ended our discussion at 4 plus 5.. den went cck for a hait trim in Jantzen.. haha the hairdresser attended to mi was a guy sia.. nv been trim by a guy before.. aniway.. he was rather good at trimming.. so we had small talks in btw.. nt bad la.. hehe enjoyed the whole trimming session.. den go gio brought a top.. den went hm.. reach hm le.. accompany daddy and mum for a jog at our nearby canel.. haha while bro blades.. after running while cooling down.. mi tried on the baldes.. wooh.. learning blades is really nt easi.. but with the help of daddy and bro mi still made it yeah.. blade for sum distance.. cool.. lets hope tmr will jus be as cool too... hehe..
Friday, March 03, 2006
Pics.. after exam!!! celebratION.. wif MY MaTes!!
woah guess it belongs to whu? haha..
taken while waiting for my dish oppz...
seafood platter for two? haha
We at Indochine!!!
wat do u think of the guy in the screeN? haha
drinKing the maga big sea Monkey.. haha
brrr.. is getting cold here....
Mi and doreeN...
see No evIl , Hear No eviL, speak No eviL..
Guess which is mine?? hahah
nice yeah...
yesh!! this belongs to mi.. haha trying to promote this dish..??
oppx.. we arejus too hungry?? haha..
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